When caring for your baby, every mother learns the right things their babies like. Baby wipes are one such essential baby care thing that you buy multiple packs of when you know which brand your baby loves the most. Good quality, perfectly sized, and soft baby wipes work wonderfully for the baby’s sensitive skin. While baby wipes are great for cleaning your baby’s bottom, you can also find many alternative uses for baby wipes.

These amazing alternative uses for baby wipes are great for mothers whose babies have grown up, but they still have an extensive collection of wipes available in the closet. Below we have shared some great alternative uses for baby wipes.

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Homemade baby wipes

We are sure that after you are done reading this article, if you don’t have a pack at your place, you will run to the next store to buy a bunch of baby wipes. So, without further ado, let’s get started.

  1. Baby wipes offer an excellent alternative for makeup removal wipes. Indeed, anyone used to doing makeup regularly always needs some good quality makeup remover wipes.

Getting your face cleaned and cleansed every night before bed is essential for maintaining healthy and glowy skin. And removing makeup is a several-step process. Generally, makeup remover wipes are comparatively more expensive than baby wipes.

READ: 9 Most Enjoyable Family Day out ideas with a Baby

So, buying baby wipes is an excellent affordable alternative as well. Moreover, baby wipes are thoughtfully manufactured for soft and sensitive baby skin. Therefore, these wipes do not feel harsh or scratchy on your face.

  1. When you are out and need a quick fix for a bad hair day, baby wipes can be used to tame them down. Gently rub the flying or stirred hair using the baby wipes. The hair will get in place looking perfect. And you won’t even have to use hair spray.
  2. You can also use baby wipes to clean car seats. Car seats must endure a beverage drip or a snack slip here and there every once in a while. The baby wipes can be of big help to quickly clean stains and tidy up the seats.

You can also wipe off the smudges of food stains, such as ketchup, mayo, etc., with wipes. So it’s a great idea to keep a pack of baby wipes in your car to use whenever needed.

alternative uses for baby wipes
  1. Deodorants or body sprays often leave stains on our clothes. There is no time to change the dress or clean the stains when you are rushing out in a hurry. In such situations, baby wipes are nothing short of magic wands. Slightly rubbing off the deodorant stains with the baby wipes will leave your dress looking neat, clean, and fresh.
  2. Baby wipes can be used to clean your hands after eating. After enjoying a meal, especially when you have eaten sticky or oily food, you can use baby wipes to clean the oil off.
  3. Packing baby wipes may be convenient when you go out on a picnic. You can never be too sure of cleanliness when out in the open; wiping off the surface before placing your food and utensils can put your mind at ease.
  4. Baby wipes can be used to clean leather furniture. Baby wipes are soft, and gently rubbing them across the leather furniture can clean the dirt and dust perfectly.

However, leather furniture is expensive, and some baby wipes are not so soft. So, it is best to first test-run the baby wipes on a little patch of the furniture, preferably someplace not visible at first sight.

READ: 9 Best Biodegradable baby wipes that you need to try

  1. You can use baby wipes to clean the food stains from the carpets and rugs. When you have kids or pets running around here and there, food or snacks spillage is usual. And surely, you cannot take out the carpets or the rugs for cleaning very often. Using baby wipes to clean these stains quickly saves time and keeps everything neat.
  2. Baby wipes are a valuable companion for your gym time. Before hitting the fitness mats, riding the bicycles, using the weights, or running on the treadmill, you can save these exercise equipment using baby wipes. Later, when you are done with your exercise, use the baby wipes to wipe the sweat off your face.
  3. You can also use baby wipes to clean off your cell phone, phone charger, tablets, and similar electronic devices.
  4. CDs and DVDs often get fingerprints on them. Cleaning them spotless is difficult with tissue, soft cloth, or any duster. Also, there is a possibility that the duster or tissue might leave faint scratches on the CDs and DVDs. However, no such issue will arise using baby wipes, and you will get spotless, clean, and scratch-free CDs and DVDs.
  5. Keeping baby wipes in your bag is also beneficial for cleaning off your shoes wherever needed. When you are out, dirt, dust, mud, grass clippings, mud, or similar stuff can ruin your shoes’ appearance. And when you have to attend an important meeting, you cannot show up with dirty shoes. In such situations, cleaning your shoes using baby wipes will leave them looking presentable.
  6. In addition to cleaning your shoes, baby wipes work super fine cleaning off dog’s paws. When your lovely pet comes inside the home after playing in the rain with muddy feet, it is best to clean them off before taking the dog inside. Cleaning the dog’s feet by the entrance will also save you the effort of cleaning the trailing mud and dirt from the front door to the bathroom.
  7. You can use baby wipes as a duster. Tie up the wipes at the end of the broom using rubber bands or a small rope, and clean off the dust and dirt from hard-to-reach places.
  8. In the scorching sunlight, when your facing is heating up under the sun, baby wipes can help you tone down the warmth. Gently rub your face with the baby wipes, and instantly feel light and better. You can also use the baby wipes on your hands, neck, or any exposed skin area.
  9. Baby wipes can excellently clean your kitchen utensils. You can wipe the food or water stains from the microwave, kettle, fridge, and kitchen counter with baby wipes.
  10. Baby wipes can be used to clean the plates, jugs, glass, and cutlery items before placing them on the dining table; and after washing. Also, after eating the meal, you can use baby wipes to clean off the table.
  11. In the winter, almost every household suffers from cold, flu, or cough. Indeed, it is necessary to be guarded against the contagious germs of such trifling yet irritating health issues.

Regular and adequate cleaning of door knobs, remote control, kitchen counters, and furniture can protect you from these germs. You can easily clean all these places using baby wipes.

alternative uses for baby wipes
  1. Baby wipes can be used to clean the white or blackboards properly. Typically, we use a duster to clean off the board. However, if you are missing any duster, remove the baby wipes from the bag and wipe off the board.
  2. Cleaning light switches is nearly impossible with cotton cloth or duster. The tiny switches grab dust and dirt in every nook and corner of their body. You can use baby wipes to clean them gently.
  3. You can never be entirely sure of the cleanliness standards at public toilets. Hence, having baby wipes in your backpack or pocket can offer an easy solution to cleaning public restrooms before using them.
  4. Typically, their table becomes a mess when kids do their arts and crafts. Cleaning that place can take a toll on anyone. However, you can make things easy for yourself by using baby wipes. Baby wipes can perfectly clean any spillage of colors and paper shredding and leave the table spotless and neat.
  5. You can use baby wipes to clean kids’ toys.
  6. It is highly recommended to keep baby wipes in your bag when you take kids out to play in the playground. Kids will get their hands and clothes dirty while playing on the grass, ground, or mud. Using baby wipes, you can easily clean their hands, faces, and clothes.
  7. You can use baby wipes to clean off your cat’s bottoms. Also, baby wipes can adequately clean the cat’s litter tray.
  8. Adding baby wipes is an excellent idea when packing to have a fun and relaxing time at the beach. First, clean the beach chairs with wipes before using them, and Secondly, you can also wipe off the sand using baby wipes.

And with that, it’s a wrap. Every mother has a pack of baby wipes in her bag or the closet at home. Apart from the apparent use of baby wipes to clean your babies, there are several alternative uses for baby wipes.

alternative uses for baby wipes

Here we have listed almost every possible cleaning purpose for which you can use baby wipes. Still, let us know if we need to include any. We hope you have found this read informative and helpful. Let us know which baby wipe use you find most beneficial.

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  1. avatar
    Melissa says:

    Most of these I had never thought of! Who would’ve guessed you could use them to clean leather furniture? Great post! 🙂

  2. avatar
    Natasha says:

    Great ideas! I have been thinking of ways to reduce the baby wipe waste.

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